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(Encyclopedia) ScorpiusScorpiusskôrˈpēəs [key] or ScorpioScorpius–pēō [key] [Lat.,=the scorpion], conspicuous southern constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens…

Dodd, William Edward

(Encyclopedia) Dodd, William Edward, 1869–1940, American historian and diplomat, b. Clayton, N.C. He was professor of history at Randolph-Macon College (1900–1908) and at the Univ. of Chicago (1908–…

Compton effect

(Encyclopedia) Compton effect [for A. H. Compton], increase in the wavelengths of X rays and gamma rays when they collide with and are scattered from loosely bound electrons in matter. This effect…

Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory

(Encyclopedia) Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory, astronomical observatory located 35 mi (56 km) S of Tucson, Ariz., at an altitude of 8,500 ft (2,590 m). It is operated jointly by the Smithsonian…

Major Air Pollutants

Air pollution is a real public health and environmental problem that can lead to-among other things-global warming, acid rain, and the deterioration of the ozone layer. This chart names some common…


(Encyclopedia) DadaDadadäˈdä [key] or DadaismDadadäˈdäĭzəm [key], international nihilistic movement among European artists and writers that lasted from 1916 to 1922. Born of the widespread…

electron tube

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Triode electron tube electron tube, device consisting of a sealed enclosure in which electrons flow between electrodes separated either by a vacuum (in a vacuum tube) or by an…

Thackeray, William Makepeace

(Encyclopedia) Thackeray, William MakepeaceThackeray, William Makepeacethăkˈərē [key], 1811–63, English novelist, b. Calcutta (now Kolkata), India. He is important not only as a great novelist but…


(Encyclopedia) MiyazakiMiyazakimēyäˈzäˌkē [key], city (1990 pop. 287,352), capital of Miyazaki prefecture, SE Kyushu, Japan, on the Hyuga Sea. It is a popular tourist and resort center and the seat…


(Encyclopedia) NegrosNegrosnāˈgrōs [key], island (1990 pop. 3,182,252), 4,905 sq mi (12,704 sq km), one of the Visayan Islands, 4th largest of the Philippines, between Panay and Cebu. Although…