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(Encyclopedia) TottoriTottoritōt-tōˈrē [key], city (1990 pop. 142,467), capital of Tottori prefecture, S Honshu, Japan, a port on the Sea of Japan. The city produces wood and paper items, machinery,…


(Encyclopedia) ToyamaToyamatōyäˈmä [key], city (1990 pop. 321,254), capital of Toyama prefecture, W central Honshu, Japan, on Toyama Bay. It is the main center of Japan's patent medicine industry and…

Kajita, Takaaki

(Encyclopedia) Kajita, Takaaki 1959–, Japanese physicist, Ph.D. Univ. of Tokyo, 1986. In 1988 he joined the faculty at the Univ. of Tokyo, where he is now professor and director of the Institute for…

Avogadro's number

(Encyclopedia) Avogadro's numberAvogadro's numberävōgäˈdrō [key] [for Amedeo Avogadro], number of particles contained in one mole of any substance; it is equal to 602,252,000,000,000,000,000,000, or…

spinal puncture

(Encyclopedia) spinal puncture, surgical penetration of the spinal canal by a hollow needle introduced between two of the lumbar vertebrae. The arrangement permits injection of antibiotics or…

Candela, Felix

(Encyclopedia) Candela, Felix (Félix Candela Outeriño)Candela, Felixfāˈlēks kändāˈlä [key], 1910–97, Mexican-American architect, b. Madrid. Candela studied in Madrid but was forced to flee Spain…


(Encyclopedia) MymensinghMymensinghmīˈmĕnsĭng [key], town (1991 pop. 188,713), N central Bangladesh, on an old channel of the Brahmaputra River. It is a trading center for rice, jute, sugar cane,…


(Encyclopedia) IgorotIgorotĭgərōtˈ, ēgə– [key], general name for the people of N central Luzon island, the Philippines. The Igorot form two subgroups: the largest group lives in the south, central,…


(Encyclopedia) Chiclayo Chiclayo chēkläˈyō [key], city, capital of Lambayeque dept., NW Peru. On the coastal desert…


(Encyclopedia) Pyeongtaek or Pyongtaek, city (2016 pop. 470,832), Gyeonggi prov., NW South Korea, 45 mi (70 km) S of Seoul. In a rice, fruit, and dairy farming area, it is a port on the Yellow Sea…