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Lake Charles

(Encyclopedia) Lake Charles, city (1990 pop. 70,580), seat of Calcasieu parish, SW La.; inc. 1867. It is located on Lake Charles at the mouth of the Calcasieu River in a rice, timber, oil, and…


(Encyclopedia) KankanKankankänkänˈ, käNkäNˈ [key], city (1996 pop. 261,341), E Guinea, a port on the Milo River, a tributary of the Niger. It is the commercial center for a farm area where rice,…


(Encyclopedia) ThanjavurThanjavurtənjäˈv&oomacr;r [key], formerly TanjoreThanjavurtănjôrˈ [key], city (1991 pop. 202,013), Tamil Nadu state, SE India. It is a district administrative headquarters…

Besant, Sir Walter

(Encyclopedia) Besant, Sir WalterBesant, Sir Walterbĭzăntˈ [key], 1836–1901, English novelist and humanitarian, grad. Christ's College, Cambridge, 1859. He taught at the Royal College of Mauritius…

Football Hall of Fame: Players

Abell, Earl—Colgate, 1915Agase, Alex—Purdue/Illinois, 1946Agganis, Harry—Boston Univ., 1952Albert, Frank—Stanford, 1941Aldrich, Chas. (Ki)—Texas Christian, 1938Aldrich, Malcolm—Yale,…


(Encyclopedia) Jennings, city (1990 pop. 11,305), seat of Jefferson Davis parish, SW La., on the Mermentau River; inc. 1888. Cotton and rice are grown, there is a bottling plant, and drugs, machinery…

Huber, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Huber, RobertHuber, Roberth&oomacr;ˈbər [key], 1937–, German biochemist. After receiving his doctorate at Munich Technical Univ., he worked both there and at the Max Planck…

Hevesy, Georg von

(Encyclopedia) Hevesy, Georg vonHevesy, Georg vongāˈôrkh fən hĕˈvĕshē [key], 1885–1966, Hungarian physicist and chemist. He received the 1943 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on the use of…


(Encyclopedia) gaillardiagaillardiagālärˈdēə [key], any plant of the genus Gaillardia of the Asteaceae family (aster family), including annual, biennial, and perennial herbs with showy heads of red…

Carrington, Leonora

(Encyclopedia) Carrington, Leonora, 1917–2011, English-born Mexican surrealist painter, novelist, and eccentric, studied art at Ozenfant Academy, London (1935–38). From a wealthy Anglo-Irish family,…