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Displaying 351 - 360

Mattie Stepanek 2004 Deaths

Mattie StepanekAge: 13 poet who published five volumes of poetry, including the best-selling Heartsongs. He appeared on Oprah and Good Morning America. He died of muscular dystrophy, which…

Julia Child 2004 Deaths

Julia ChildAge: 91 Emmy Award–winning chef and television personality whose breezy style demystified French cooking for a generation of Americans reared on tuna casserole rather than boeuf…

Iris Chang 2004 Deaths

Iris ChangAge: 36 journalist and writer whose best-selling book, The Rape of Nanking, detailed the rape, murder, and other unspeakable atrocities committed by Japanese troops who occupied the…

Hedi Ben Rekhissa Biography

Hedi Ben RekhissaAge: 26 one of Africa's most gifted soccer players; a fullback that scored many crucial goals for the Tunisian National Team; played for the Tunis club Esperance; had won…

Raymond Naimoli Biography

Raymond NaimoliAge: 56 Tampa Bay Devil Rays chief financial officer and senior vice president; younger brother of Devil Rays general partner Vincent Naimoli; before joining the team, he…

Frank Scott 1998 Deaths

Frank ScottAge: 80 negotiated endorsement deals and public appearances for baseball-star clients such as Mickey Mantle (bubble gum) and Yogi Berra (soft drink); became an agent after a stint…

Vladimir Kosma Zworykin

Vladimir Kosma Zworykin Born: 1889Birthplace: Murom, Russia Cathode ray tube—Zworykin invented the iconoscope, a television transmitting tube and the kinescope, a cathode ray tube that…

Robert S. Ledley

Robert S. LedleyBorn: 1926Birthplace: New York City Diagnostic x-ray systems—Ledley developed the ACTA diagnostic x-ray scanner, the first whole-body computerized tomography (CT) machine. He…

Doug Flutie

Doug FlutieBorn: Oct. 23, 1962Football QB Boston College QB who threw famous 48-yard “Hail Mary” to defeat Miami on Nov. 23, 1984; 1984 Heisman Trophy winner; has played in USFL, NFL and CFL…

Hack Wilson

Hack WilsonBorn: Apr. 26, 1900Baseball as a Chicago Cub, he produced one of baseball's most outstanding seasons in 1930 with 56 home runs, .356 batting average, 105 walks and, most amazingly…