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(Encyclopedia) aloealoeălˈō [key] [Gr.], any species of the genus Aloe, succulent perennials of the family Lilaceae (lily family), native chiefly to the warm dry areas of S Africa and also to…

atomic number

(Encyclopedia) atomic number, often represented by the symbol Z, the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, as well as the number of electrons in the neutral atom. Atoms with the same atomic…

Yonath, Ada E.

(Encyclopedia) Yonath, Ada E., 1939–, Israeli crystallographer, Ph.D. Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovat, Israel, 1968. Yonath has been a researcher and professor at the Weizmann Institute since…

Piltdown man

(Encyclopedia) Piltdown man, name given to human remains found during excavations (1908–15) at Piltdown, Sussex, England, by Charles Dawson. The find led to much speculation and argument. Since they…

Whitewater, in U.S. history

(Encyclopedia) Whitewater, popular name for a failed 1970s Arkansas real estate venture by the Whitewater Development Corp., in which Gov. (later President) Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary Rodham…


(Encyclopedia) radiumradiumrāˈdēəm [key] [Lat. radius=ray], radioactive metallic chemical element; symbol Ra; at. no. 88; mass number of most stable isotope 226; m.p. 700℃; b.p. 1,140℃; sp. gr. about…

halo, in meteorology

(Encyclopedia) halo, in meteorology, short-lived circles or arcs, and less commonly spikes and crosses, of colored or whitish light surrounding the moon or sun or in clouds as seen from above. A halo…

Khan, Ali Akbar

(Encyclopedia) Khan, Ali AkbarKhan, Ali Akbarälēˈ ăkˈbär khän [key], 1922–2009, Indian musician, b. Shivpur, East Bengal (now Bangladesh). A master of the sarod, a lutelike 25-stringed N Indian…

Mondavi, Robert Gerald

(Encyclopedia) Mondavi, Robert GeraldMondavi, Robert Geraldməndäˈvē [key], 1913–2008, American vintner who was in the forefront of establishing California as a major table-wine-producing region and…

Wright, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Wright, Richard, 1908–60, American author. An African American born on a Mississippi plantation, Wright struggled through a difficult childhood and worked to educate himself. He moved…