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Ralph Waldo Emerson: Transition

TransitionSee yonder leafless trees against the sky, How they diffuse themselves into the air, And, ever subdividing, separate Limbs into branches, branches into twigs. As if they loved the…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Una

UnaRoving, roving, as it seems, Una lights my clouded dreams; Still for journeys she is dressed; We wander far by east and west. In the homestead, homely thought, At my work I ramble not; If…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Unity

UnitySpace is ample, east and west, But two cannot go abreast, Cannot travel in it two: Yonder masterful cuckoo Crowds every egg out of the nest, Quick or dead, except its own; A spell is…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Uriel

UrielIt fell in the ancient periods Which the brooding soul surveys, Or ever the wild Time coined itself Into calendar months and days. This was the lapse of Uriel, Which in Paradise…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Voluntaries

VoluntariesILow and mournful be the strain, Haughty thought be far from me; Tones of penitence and pain, Meanings of the tropic sea; Low and tender in the cell Where a captive sits in chains…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Waldeinsamkeit

WaldeinsamkeitI do not count the hours I spend In wandering by the sea; The forest is my loyal friend, Like God it useth me. In plains that room for shadows make Of skirting hills to lie,…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Walden

WaldenIn my garden three ways meet, Thrice the spot is blest; Hermit-thrush comes there to build, Carrier-doves to nest. There broad-armed oaks, the copses' maze, The cold sea-wind…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Water

WaterThe water understands Civilization well; It wets my foot, but prettily It chills my life, but wittily, It is not disconcerted, It is not broken-hearted: Well used, it decketh joy,…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Wealth

WealthWho shall tell what did befall, Far away in time, when once, Over the lifeless ball, Hung idle stars and suns? What god the element obeyed? Wings of what wind the lichen bore, Wafting…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Webster

Webster1831Let Webster's lofty face Ever on thousands shine, A beacon set that Freedom's race Might gather omens from that radiant sign.From the Phi Beta Kappa Poem1834Ill fits the abstemious…