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Smith, Tony

(Encyclopedia) Smith, Tony, 1912–80, American sculptor, b. South Orange, N.J., studied Art Students League, New York City (1933–37), New Bauhaus, Chicago (1937–38). Trained as a painter and architect…

Roethke, Theodore

(Encyclopedia) Roethke, TheodoreRoethke, Theodorerĕtˈkə [key], 1908–63, American poet, b. Saginaw, Mich., educated at the Univ. of Michigan and Harvard. A poet of the Midwest, Roethke combined a love…

Cornwall, Barry

(Encyclopedia) Cornwall, Barry, pseud. of Bryan Waller Procter, 1787–1874, English author. His sentimental songs were much in vogue during his lifetime. Included among Cornwall's longer works are…

Hervey of Ickworth, John Hervey, Baron

(Encyclopedia) Hervey of Ickworth, John Hervey, BaronHervey of Ickworth, John Hervey, Baronhärˈvē, hûrˈvē [key], 1696–1743, English memoirist. A temperamental figure who served in various minor…

T'ao Yüan-ming

(Encyclopedia) T'ao Yüan-ming or T'ao Ch'ien, 365–427, Chinese poet. After several bitter experiences in government employment, he became a gentleman farmer. His poems, composed in simple diction at…


(Encyclopedia) peddler or hawker, itinerant vendor of small goods. In rural America peddlers carried their packs or drove a horse and cart from door to door. While the importance of peddlers to the…

Goldsmith, Oliver

(Encyclopedia) Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?–1774, Anglo-Irish author. The son of an Irish clergyman, he was graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, in 1749. He studied medicine at Edinburgh and Leiden,…

Robert Graves: The Bough of Nonsense

The Bough of NonsenseAn IdyllBack from the Somme two Fusiliers Limped painfully home; the elder said, S. "Robert, I've lived three thousand years This Summer, and I'm nine parts dead." R. "…


(Encyclopedia) mechanism, philosophical theory about the nature of organic systems, holding that organisms are machines in the sense that they are material systems. Mechanism seeks to explain…

Dillinger, John

(Encyclopedia) Dillinger, JohnDillinger, Johndĭlˈĭnjər [key], 1902–34, American bank robber, probably b. Indianapolis. Paroled after serving a prison term for attempted robbery, Dillinger organized a…