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Wallace's line

(Encyclopedia) Wallace's line, imaginary line postulated by A. R. Wallace as the dividing line between Asian and Australian fauna in the Malay Archipelago. It passes between Bali and Lombok islands…

More, Sir Thomas

(Encyclopedia) More, Sir Thomas (Saint Thomas More), 1478–1535, English statesman and author of Utopia, celebrated as a martyr in the Roman Catholic Church. He received a Latin education in the…

Williams, Tennessee

(Encyclopedia) Williams, Tennessee (Thomas Lanier Williams), 1911–83, American dramatist, b. Columbus, Miss., grad. State Univ. of Iowa, 1938. One of America's foremost 20th-century playwrights and…

Smith, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Smith, Joseph, 1805–44, American Mormon leader, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, b. Sharon, Vt. When he was a boy his family moved to Palmyra, N.Y.,…

Richard Nixon: Watergate

by Ann-Marie Imbornoni and Tasha Vincent The scandal that ended the Nixon presidency began on June 17, 1972, when five men, all employees of Nixon's reelection campaign, were caught…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 8, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 7, 1804June 9, 1804June 8, 1804 June 8th Friday Set out at Daylight proceeded on the Course of last night S 87° W 3 ms passed a Willow…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 15, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 14, 1806June 16, 1806June 15, 1806 Sunday June 15th 1806. We had some little difficulty in collecting our horses this morning they had…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 25, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 24, 1806June 26, 1806June 25, 1806 Wednesday June 25th 1806. last evening the indians entertained us with seting the fir trees on fire. they…