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Kroto, Harry

(Encyclopedia) Kroto, Harry (Sir Harold Walter Kroto), 1939–2016, British chemist, b. Harold Walter Krotoschiner, Ph.D. Univ. of Sheffield, 1964. Kroto was the son of German parents who fled Nazi…

Fort Bliss

(Encyclopedia) Fort Bliss, U.S. army post, 1,122,500 acres (454,300 hectares), W Tex., E of El Paso; est. 1849 and named for Col. William Bliss, Gen. Zachary Taylor's adjutant in the Mexican War.…

toxic shock syndrome

(Encyclopedia) toxic shock syndrome (TSS). acute, sometimes fatal, disease characterized by high fever, nausea, diarrhea, lethargy, blotchy rash, and sudden drop in blood pressure. It is caused by…


(Encyclopedia) separation, in law, either the voluntary agreement of husband and wife to live apart or a partial dissolution of the marriage relation by court order. The marriage bond remains, and…

Mythological Allusions

Achilles heel: In Greek mythology, the warrior Achilles was made invulnerable as a baby by being dipped into the River Styx. Only his heel—the place he was held by when being dipped—was left…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Adirondacs

The AdirondacsA JournalDedicated to My Fellow Travellers in August, 1858 Wise and polite,—and if I drew Their several portraits, you would own Chaucer had no such worthy crew,…


(Encyclopedia) covenantcovenantkŭvˈənənt [key], agreement entered into voluntarily by two or more parties to do or refrain from doing certain acts. In the Bible and in theology the covenant is the…

50th Emmy Awards: Drama Series Nominees

outstanding series | directing | writing | next Outstanding Drama Series ER (NBC) Law & Order (NBC) NYPD Blue (ABC) The Practice (ABC) The X-Files (Fox) Outstanding Directing for a Drama…

Mau Mau

(Encyclopedia) Mau MauMau Maumouˈ mouˌ [key], secret insurgent organization in Kenya, comprising mainly Kikuyu tribespeople. They were bound by oath to force the expulsion of white settlers from…