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Displaying 481 - 490

Amy Lowell: To Elizabeth Ward Perkins

To Elizabeth Ward PerkinsDear Bessie, would my tired rhyme Had force to rise from apathy, And shaking off its lethargy Ring word-tones like a Christmas chime.But in my soul's high belfry,…

Christina Rossetti: Seasons

SeasonsDec. 1866Oh the cheerful Budding-time! When thorn-hedges turn to green, When new leaves of elm and lime Cleave and shed their winter screen; Tender lambs are born and 'baa,'…

Elbridge Gerry: Reply to "A Landholder," I

Reply to "A Landholder," IElbridge Gerryby Elbridge Gerry You are desired to inform the publick from good authority, that Mr. GERRY, by giving his dissent to the proposed Constitution,…

Aesop's Fables: The Slave and the Lion

by Aesop The Bear and the TravellersThe Flea and the ManThe Slave and the Lion A Slave ran away from his master, by whom he had been most cruelly treated, and, in order to avoid capture,…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Music

by Percy Bysshe Shelley The Boat on the SerchioSonnet to ByronMusic Published by Mrs. Shelley, "Posthumous Poems", 1824. 1. I pant for the music which is divine, My heart in its thirst…