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Brewer's: Ascension Day

or Holy Thursday. The day set apart by the Catholic and Anglican Church to commemorate the ascent of our Lord from earth to heaven. Formerly it was customary to beat the bounds of each…

Brewer's: Liege

The word means one bound, a bondsman (Latin, ligo, to bind); hence, vassals were called liege-men - i.e. men bound to serve their lord. The lord was called the liege-lord, being bound to…

Christina Rossetti: Fata Morgana

Fata MorganaA blue-eyed phantom far before Is laughing, leaping toward the sun: Like lead I chase it evermore, I pant and run.It breaks the sunlight bound on bound: Goes singing as it…

Article VI

[Debts contracted under the confederation secured.—1.] All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States…

Chauncey Judd: The Robbery

The Robbers Gunn's Barn The Robbery Captain Dayton's residence was on the eastern side of the meeting-house Green, about three fourths of a mile south from the present churches in…

Anthony, Susan Brownell

(Encyclopedia) Anthony, Susan Brownell, 1820–1906, American reformer and leader of the woman-suffrage movement, b. Adams, Mass.; daughter of Daniel Anthony, Quaker abolitionist. From the age of 17,…

complex ion

(Encyclopedia) complex ion, charged molecular aggregate (see ion), consisting of a metallic atom or ion to which is attached one or more electron-donating molecules. In some complex ions, such as…

class action

(Encyclopedia) class action, in law, a device that permits one or more persons to sue or be sued as representative of a large group of people interested in the matter at issue. The court in whose…

Underground Railroad

(Encyclopedia) Underground Railroad, in U.S. history, loosely organized system for helping fugitive slaves escape to Canada or to areas of safety in free states. It was run by local groups of…

Whittier, John Greenleaf

(Encyclopedia) Whittier, John GreenleafWhittier, John Greenleafhwĭtˈēər [key], 1807–92, American Quaker poet and reformer, b. near Haverhill, Mass. Whittier was a pioneer in regional literature as…