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postal service

(Encyclopedia) postal service, arrangements made by a government for the transmission of letters, packages, and periodicals, and for related services. Early courier systems for government use were…

Fort Riley

(Encyclopedia) Fort Riley, U.S. military post, 5,760 acres (2,331 hectares), NE Kans., on the Kansas River; est. 1852 to protect travelers on the Santa Fe Trail from attack by Native Americans.…

Fort Hall

(Encyclopedia) Fort Hall, trading post on the Snake River, near Pocatello, SE Idaho; est. 1834 by U.S. trader Nathaniel Wyeth. It was sold in 1836 to the Hudson's Bay Company, which occupied the post…

Bradlee, Ben

(Encyclopedia) Bradlee, Ben (Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee), 1921–2014, American newspaper editor and journalist, b. Boston, Mass., grad. Harvard, 1942. After serving in the navy during World War II…

Hazard, Ebenezer

(Encyclopedia) Hazard, Ebenezer, 1744–1817, American public official and historian, b. Philadelphia. He became a publisher in New York City. He was appointed (1775) first postmaster of the city under…

York Factory

(Encyclopedia) York Factory, fur-trading post, NE Man., Canada, on Hudson Bay, at the mouth of the Hayes River, just east of the mouth of the Nelson River. The name was used for several early (late-…

Nivelle, Robert Georges

(Encyclopedia) Nivelle, Robert GeorgesNivelle, Robert Georgesrôbĕrˈ zhôrzh nēvĕlˈ [key], 1856–1924, French general. His services in World War I gained him the post of chief assistant to General…

Hurd, Peter

(Encyclopedia) Hurd, Peter, 1904–84, American painter, b. Roswell, N.Mex. Hurd left West Point to study art at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. He worked as apprentice to the painter N. C.…

Fort Sam Houston

(Encyclopedia) Fort Sam Houston, U.S. army facility, S Tex., in San Antonio; headquarters of the U.S. Army North and the U.S. Army South. In 2010 it was amalgamated with Lackland and Randolph air…

Fort Chipewyan

(Encyclopedia) Fort ChipewyanFort Chipewyanchĭpəwīˈən [key], trading post, NE Alta., Canada, at the west end of Lake Athabasca. The old Fort Chipewyan, on the south shore, was built for the North…