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Lorenzo de Zavala Biography

Lorenzo de ZavalapoliticianBorn: 10/3/1789Birthplace: Tecoh, Yucatan, Mexico De Zavala played a pivotal role in Texas' battle for independence from Mexico. He was imprisoned in 1814 for his…

Olympe de Gouges Biography

Olympe de Gouges(Marie Gouze)feminist, writerBorn: 1745?Birthplace: Montauban, Languedoc, France De Gouges was an ardent advocate of many human rights, especially equality for women, at a…

Poem: Lune de Miel

Poem 6 Poem 8 Lune de Miel Ils ont vu les Pays-Bas, ils rentrent í  Terre Haute; Mais une nuit d'été, les voici í  Ravenne, A l'sur le dos écartant les genoux De quatre jambes molles tout…

Poems: Lune de Miel

by T. S. Eliot Mélange adultí¨re de toutThe HippopotamusLune de Miel Ils ont vu les Pays-Bas, ils rentrent à Terre Haute; Mais une nuit d'été, les voici à Ravenne, A l'sur le dos écartant…

DE County, IN Social Statistics

Delaware county indiana dp 2 profile of selected social characteristics SubjectNumberPercent SCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school37,225100.0Nursery school,…

Dover, DE Census Data

People QuickFactsDoverDelawarePopulation, 2003 estimate 32,808817,491Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 2.4%4.3%Population, 2000 32,135783,600Population, percent change…

Dover, DE Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population32,135100.0SEX AND AGEMale15,12247.1Female17,01352.9Under 5 years2,1466.75 to 9 years2,1186.610 to 14 years2,1336.615 to 19 years2,9589.220 to 24 years3,25910.125…

Dover, DE Economic Statistics

NumberPercentEMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over25,596100.0In labor force16,32063.8Civilian labor force15,31859.8Employed14,17455.4Unemployed1,1444.5Percent of civilian labor force7.5…

Dover, DE, Housing Statistics

NumberPercentTotal housing units13,357100.0UNITS IN STRUCTURE1-unit, detached5,98244.81-unit, attached1,96014.72 units4473.33 or 4 units4173.15 to 9 units8156.110 to 19 units1,57511.820 or more…