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Brewer's: Adonais
Adona′is(4 syl.). The song about Adonis; Shelley's elegy on Keats is so called. See Bion's Lament for Adonis. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894AdoniesAdonai A…Brewer's: Aganippe
(4 syl.). A fountain of Boeotia at the foot of Mount Helicon, dedicated to the Muses, because it had the virtue of imparting poetic inspiration. From this fountain the Muses are called…Brewer's: Lindor
A poetic swain of the Corydon type, a lover en bergère. “Do not, for heaven's sake, bring down Corydon and Lindor upon us.” —SirWalterScott. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…Brewer's: Celia
or Cælia. A common poetical name for a lady or lady-love. Thus, Swift had an ode in which Strephon describes Cælia's dressing-room. Five hours, and who can do it less in By haughty Cælia…Brewer's: Edenburgh
i.e. Edwin's burgh. The fort built by Edwin, king of Northumbria (616-633). Dun Eden or Dunedin, is a Saxon form; Edina a poetical one. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…Brewer's: Aonian
Poetical, pertaining to the Muses. The Muses, according to Grecian mythology, dwelt in Aonia, that part of Boetia which contains Mount Helicon and the Muses' Fountain. Thomson calls the…Brewer's: Macon
Mahomet, Mahoun, or Mahound. “Praised (quoth he) be Macon whom we serve.” Fairfax: Tasso, xii. 10. Macon. A poetical and romance name of Mecca, the birthplace of Mahomet. Source:…Brewer's: Scotia
Now applied poetically to Scotland, but at one time Ireland was so called. Hence Claudius says - When Scots came thundering from the Irish shores, And ocean trembled, struck with hostile…Brewer's: Petrarch
The English Petrarch. Sir Philip Sidney; so called by Sir Walter Raleigh. Cowper styles him “the warbler of poetic prose.” (1554-1586.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…Brewer's: Trilogy
A group of three tragedies. Everyone in Greece who took part in the poetic contest had to produce a trilogy and a satyric drama. We have only one specimen, and that is by Æschylos,…