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Werner, Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Werner, PierreWerner, Pierrepyĕr vĕrˈnər [key], 1913–2002, political leader in Luxembourg. A lawyer, he held various posts in the ministry of finance after World War II. Secretary to…

Céloron de Blainville, Pierre Joseph de

(Encyclopedia) Céloron de Blainville, Pierre Joseph deCéloron de Blainville, Pierre Joseph depyĕr zhôzĕfˈ də sālərôNˈ də blăNvēlˈ [key], 1693–1759, French Canadian soldier, b. Montreal. He was…

Le Play, Pierre Guillaume Frédéric

(Encyclopedia) Le Play, Pierre Guillaume FrédéricLe Play, Pierre Guillaume Frédéricpyĕr gēyōmˈ frādārēkˈ lə plā [key], 1806–82, French sociologist and economist. As an engineer he traveled through…

Villeneuve, Pierre de

(Encyclopedia) Villeneuve, Pierre deVilleneuve, Pierre depyĕr də vēlnövˈ [key], 1763–1806, French admiral. He commanded the rear guard of the fleet in the disastrous battle of Abu Qir (1798). His…

Berthelot, Pierre Eugène Marcelin

(Encyclopedia) Berthelot, Pierre Eugène MarcelinBerthelot, Pierre Eugène Marcelinpyĕr ûzhĕnˈ märsəlăNˈ bĕrtəlōˈ [key], 1827–1907, French chemist. He was professor at the École Supérieure de Pharmacie…

Bonvalot, Pierre Gabriel Édouard

(Encyclopedia) Bonvalot, Pierre Gabriel ÉdouardBonvalot, Pierre Gabriel Édouardpyĕr gäbrēĕlˈ ādwärˈ bôNvälōˈ [key], 1853–1933, French explorer and author. In 1880–82 he visited central Asia, explored…

Chaumette, Pierre Gaspard

(Encyclopedia) Chaumette, Pierre GaspardChaumette, Pierre Gaspardpyĕr gäspärˈ shōmĕtˈ [key], 1763–94, French Revolutionary. A member of the Cordeliers, he collaborated with Jacques Hébert to…

Fontaine, Pierre François Léonard

(Encyclopedia) Fontaine, Pierre François LéonardFontaine, Pierre François Léonardpyĕr fräNswäˈ lāōnärˈ fôNtĕnˈ [key], 1762–1853, French architect. He was known chiefly for the work which, beginning…

Bérégovoy, Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Bérégovoy, PierreBérégovoy, Pierrepēĕrˌ bārāgōvoiˈ [key], 1925–93, French politician. A leader of the Socialist party after 1969, he was an adviser (1981–82) to François Mitterrand,…

Women's History Month

Ten Women Nobel Prize Winners in Science Women's History Month Nobel Peace Prize Winners Pulitzer Prize Winners in LiteraturePulitzer Prize Winners in JournalismWomen Rulers of the WorldWomen…