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Delvaux, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Delvaux, Paul, 1897–1994, Belgian painter. Delvaux, influenced by Magritte and Chirico, created meticulous surreal compositions based on Renaissance ideas of perspective and peopled…

Gauguin, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Gauguin, PaulGauguin, Paulpôl gōgăNˈ [key], 1848–1903, French painter and woodcut artist, b. Paris; son of a journalist and a French-Peruvian mother. Today Gauguin is recognized as a…

Bunyan, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Bunyan, Paul, legendary American lumberjack. He was the hero of a series of “tall tales” popular through the timber country from Michigan westward. Bunyan was known for his fantastic…

Cézanne, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Cézanne, PaulCézanne, Paulpōl sāzänˈ [key], 1839–1906, French painter, b. Aix-en-Provence. Cézanne was the leading figure in the revolution toward abstraction in modern painting.…

Bowles, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Bowles, Paul, 1910–99, American writer and composer, b. New York City. He studied in Paris with Virgil Thomson and Aaron Copland and composed (1930s–40s) a number of modernist operas,…

Verlaine, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Verlaine, PaulVerlaine, Paulpōl vĕrlĕnˈ [key], 1844–96, French poet. He gained some notice with the Parnassian poetry of Poèmes saturniens (1866) and Fêtes galantes (1869) and became a…

Carus, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Carus, Paul, 1852–1919, American philosopher, born and educated in Germany. For many years he was editor of the Open Court and the Monist, periodicals devoted to philosophy and…

Berg, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Berg, Paul, 1926–2023, American biologist, b. New York City, Ph.D. Western Reserve Univ., 1952. A professor at Washington Univ. at St.…

Biya, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Biya, PaulBiya, Paulbēyĕ [key], 1933–, Cameroonian political leader. Educated in Cameroon and France, where he studied at the Sorbonne and other institutions, he joined Cameroon's…

Whiteman, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Whiteman, Paul, 1891–1967, American conductor, b. Denver. Whiteman played viola in the Denver Symphony Orchestra and in 1915 joined the San Francisco Symphony. During World War I he…