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Morin, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Morin, PaulMorin, Paulpôl môrăNˈ [key], 1889–1963, French Canadian poet, b. Montreal. After taking degrees in the arts, science, and law at Laval Univ., he studied in Paris. His two…

Alexander, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Alexander, in the Bible. 1 Kinsman of Annas. 2 Son of Simon of Cyrene, probably a Christian. 3 Heretic condemned by Paul. 4 Coppersmith who did Paul harm. 5 Jew who tried to speak…

Chabas, Paul Émile

(Encyclopedia) Chabas, Paul ÉmileChabas, Paul Émilepōl āmēlˈ shäbäsˈ [key], 1869–1937, French academic painter. He is remembered chiefly for his nude, September Morn, which created a sensation when…

John Paul II, Saint

(Encyclopedia) John Paul II, Saint 1920–2005, pope (1978–2005), a Pole (b. Wadowice) named Karol Józef Wojtyła; successor of John Paul I. He was the first non-Italian pope elected since the Dutch…

Paul Knutson

(Encyclopedia) Paul KnutsonPaul Knutsonn&oomacr;tsˈən [key], fl. 1354–64, Norse leader, alleged explorer of America. In 1354 or 1355 King Magnus VII of Norway directed him to conduct an…

Helleu, Paul César

(Encyclopedia) Helleu, Paul CésarHelleu, Paul Césarpôl sāzärˈ ĕlöˈ [key], 1859–1927, French drypoint etcher and painter. He is best known for his drypoint studies and portraits of fashionable women,…

Heyse, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Heyse, PaulHeyse, Paulpoul hīˈzə [key], 1830–1914, German realistic writer. Besides the 120 novellas on which his reputation rests, he wrote some 50 plays, 6 novels, and many fine…

Saint Paul's Cathedral

(Encyclopedia) Saint Paul's Cathedral, London, masterpiece of Sir Christopher Wren and one of the finest church designs of the English baroque. It stands at the head of Ludgate Hill, where, according…

Jones, John Paul

(Encyclopedia) Jones, John Paul, 1747–92, American naval hero, b. near Kirkcudbright, Scotland. His name was originally simply John Paul. After the Revolution Jones was sent to Europe to collect…