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Le Corbusier

(Encyclopedia) Le CorbusierLe Corbusierlə kôrbüzyāˈ [key], pseud. of Charles Édouard JeanneretCharles Édouard Jeanneretshärl ādwärˈ zhänərāˈ [key], 1887–1965, French architect, b. La Chaux-de-Fonds,…


(Encyclopedia) Helena. 1 City (2020 pop. 20,633), Jefferson and Shelby cos., central Ala.; inc. 1877. White settlers began to occupy the area after…


(Encyclopedia) Hounslow Hounslow hounzˈlō [key], outer borough of Greater London, SE England, on the Thames River…

Giraudoux, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Giraudoux, JeanGiraudoux, JeanzhäN zhērōd&oomacr;ˈ [key], 1882–1944, French novelist and dramatist. He was a prolific writer and combined his literary work with a long and…


(Encyclopedia) JosJosjôs [key], city (1991 est. pop. 182,000), central Nigeria, on the Jos Plateau. It is a mining center for tin ore, which is processed in the city, and a collection point for hides…


(Encyclopedia) cordagecordagekôrˈdĭj [key], collective name for rope and other flexible lines. It is used for such purposes as wrapping, hauling, lifting, and power transmission. Early man used…

Santa Rosa, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Santa RosaSanta Rosasănˈtə rōˈzə [key], city (1990 pop. 113,313), seat of Sonoma co., W Calif.; inc. 1868. It is an industrial city and a retail, financial, and medical center for the…

literary frauds

(Encyclopedia) literary frauds, manuscripts that are presented to the public as works of famous authors but that are actually forgeries or imitations. Literary frauds are perpetrated for various…

biological warfare

(Encyclopedia) biological warfare, employment in war of microorganisms to injure or destroy people, animals, or crops; also called germ or bacteriological warfare. Limited attempts have been made in…

Céline, Louis Ferdinand

(Encyclopedia) Céline, Louis FerdinandCéline, Louis Ferdinandlwē fĕrdēnNˈ sālēnˈ [key], 1894–1961, French author, whose real name was Louis Ferdinand Destouches. Céline wrote grim, scatological, and…