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Heilbroner, Robert Louis

(Encyclopedia) Heilbroner, Robert LouisHeilbroner, Robert Louishīlˈbrōˌnər [key], 1919–2005, American economist, b. New York City, grad. Harvard, 1940, Ph.D., New School for Social Research, 1963. A…

raisin, in botany and cooking

(Encyclopedia) raisin, dried fruit of certain varieties of grapevines bearing grapes with a high content of sugar and solid flesh. Although the fruit is sometimes artificially dehydrated, it is…


(Encyclopedia) illiteracy, inability to meet a certain minimum criterion of reading and writing skill. Throughout most of history most people have been illiterate. In feudal society, for example,…

Sierra, Justo

(Encyclopedia) Sierra, JustoSierra, Justoh&oomacr;ˈstō syĕˈrä [key], 1848–1912, Mexican educator and historian. He entered the literary life as a romantic poet but later devoted himself…

Santa Ana, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Santa AnaSanta Anasănˈtə ănˈə [key], city (1990 pop. 293,742), seat of Orange co., S Calif., in the fertile Santa Ana valley; inc. 1886. It began as a farm trade and processing center…

Guanajuato, city, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Guanajuato, city, capital of Guanajuato state, W central Mexico. The city, with an altitude of c.6,600 ft (2,000 m), is situated in the…

Buckley, William Frank, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Buckley, William Frank, Jr., 1925–2008, American editor, author, and lecturer, b. New York City, grad. Yale, 1946. A popular, eloquent, and witty spokesman for the conservative point…

Southern Pacific Company

(Encyclopedia) Southern Pacific Company, transportation system chartered (1865) in California and later reincorporated in Kentucky (1885) and Delaware (1947). Small railroads—known collectively as…

bloc, parliamentary

(Encyclopedia) bloc, parliamentary [Fr.,=block], group of legislators formed to support special interests. A bloc may form because of a specific issue and dissolve when that issue has been resolved,…


(Encyclopedia) expressionism, term used to describe works of art and literature in which the representation of reality is distorted to communicate an inner vision. The expressionist transforms nature…