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Abercrombie, Lascelles

(Encyclopedia) Abercrombie, LascellesAbercrombie, Lascelleslăsˈəlz [key], 1881–1938, English poet and critic. Complex and cerebral in style, his poetry often expresses his distaste for 20th-century…

conglomerate, in business

(Encyclopedia) conglomerate, corporation whose asset growth, often very rapid, comes largely through the acquisition of, or merger with, other firms whose products are largely unrelated to each other…

multinational corporation

(Encyclopedia) multinational corporation, business enterprise with manufacturing, sales, or service subsidiaries in one or more foreign countries, also known as a transnational or international…


(Encyclopedia) Rockledge, city (1990 pop. 16,023), Brevard co., E Fla., on Indian River (a lagoon). Rockledge grew rapidly in the late 20th cent.


(Encyclopedia) packaging, containment and packing prior to sale with the primary purpose of facilitating the purchase and use of a product. Before 1800 packaging was restricted almost entirely to…


(Encyclopedia) motel, public lodging establishment for automobile travelers. Motels have traditionally differed from hotels in that the former have facilities for free parking on the premises, are…

Loisy, Alfred Firmin

(Encyclopedia) Loisy, Alfred FirminLoisy, Alfred Firminälfrĕdˈ fērmăNˈ lwäzēˈ [key], 1857–1940, French theologian, biblical critic, and leading exponent of biblical modernism. He was ordained (1879)…

Loewy, Raymond Fernand

(Encyclopedia) Loewy, Raymond Fernand, 1893–1986, American designer, b. Paris, France. He emigrated in 1919, settling in New York City; he became a U.S. citizen in 1938. Known as the father of…


(Encyclopedia) revolution, in a political sense, fundamental and violent change in the values, political institutions, social structure, leadership, and policies of a society. The totality of change…

Grau, Jacinto

(Encyclopedia) Grau, JacintoGrau, Jacintohäthēnˈtō grou [key], 1877–1958, Spanish dramatist, b. Barcelona. Participating in Spain's early-20th-century literary renaissance, Grau slowly gained…