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Brewer's: Mahdi

(The). The supreme pontiff of the Shiites (2 syl.) Only twelve of these imaums have really appeared- viz. Ali, Hassan, Hosein, and the nine lineal descendants of Hosein. Mohammed, the last…

Brewer's: Marino Faliero

The forty-ninth doge or chief magistrate of the republic of Venice, elected 1354. A patrician named Michel Steno, having behaved indecently to some of the women assembled at the great…

Brewer's: Galligantus

A giant who lived with Hocus-Pocus in an enchanted castle. By his magic he changed men and women into dumb animals, amongst which was a duke's daughter, changed into a roe. Jack the Giant…

Brewer's: Attaint

A term in chivalry, meaning to strike the helmet and shield of an antagonist so firstly with the lance, held in a direct line, as either to break the lance or overthrow the person struck.…

The Koran/Sura LXXIX — Those Who Drag Forth

Sura LXXIX[93] — Those Who Drag ForthMecca — 46 Verses In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful By those angels who DRAG FORTH souls with violence, And by those who with joyous…

Iraq Timeline

  by Borgna Brunner 1920s–1999 • 2002 • 2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 • 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 1920 Iraq comes under British mandate after the fall of the Ottoman empire in 1918…

Changing Views of Free Speech in the U.S.

Many Americans, including many who supported the new Constitution, criticized the document because it lacked a bill of rights—a listing of the basic rights held by people against the new…

Communist Party of Indiana v. Whitcomb (1974)

Case SummaryIn 1972, the Communist Party of Indiana was denied a place on the presidential ballot because it refused to provide an affidavit, sworn under oath, that it did not advocate the…

Brewer's: Orlando Furioso

An epic poem in forty-six cantos, by Ariosto (digested by Hoole into twenty-four books, but retained by Rose in the original form). The subject is the siege of Paris by Agramant the Moor,…

Brewer's: Fenians

An anti-British association of disaffected Irishmen, called the Fenian Brotherhood, after the ancient Fenians of Ireland: formed in New York, in 1857, to overthrow the domination of…