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Ficino, Marsilio

(Encyclopedia) Ficino, MarsilioFicino, Marsiliomärsēˈlyō fēchēˈnō [key], 1433–99, Italian philosopher. Under the patronage of Cosimo de' Medici, Ficino became the most influential exponent of…

Biddle, Francis Beverley

(Encyclopedia) Biddle, Francis Beverley, 1886–1968, U.S. Attorney General (1941–45), b. Paris, France, of American parents. Secretary to Associate Justice O. W. Holmes (1912), he became a successful…

Jaspers, Karl

(Encyclopedia) Jaspers, KarlJaspers, Karlkärl yäsˈpərs [key], 1883–1969, German philosopher and psychopathologist, b. Oldenburg. After receiving his medical degree (1909) he became (1914) lecturer in…

Parkman, Francis

(Encyclopedia) Parkman, Francis, 1823–93, American historian, b. Boston. In 1846, Parkman started a journey along the Oregon Trail to improve his health and study the Native Americans. On his return…

Roses, Wars of the

(Encyclopedia) Roses, Wars of the, traditional name given to the intermittent struggle (1455–85) for the throne of England between the noble houses of York (whose badge was a white rose) and…

Northumberland, Henry Percy, 1st earl of

(Encyclopedia) Northumberland, Henry Percy, 1st earl of, 1342–1408, English nobleman. He fought in France in the Hundred Years War, became warden of the Scottish Marches, and was a supporter of John…

Mayenne, Charles de Lorraine, duc de

(Encyclopedia) Mayenne, Charles de Lorraine, duc deMayenne, Charles de Lorraine, duc deshärl də lôrĕnˈ dük də mäyĕnˈ [key], 1554–1611, French Catholic general in the Wars of Religion (see Religion,…

Alexander III, king of Scotland

(Encyclopedia) Alexander III, 1241–86, king of Scotland (1249–86), son and successor of Alexander II. He married a daughter of Henry III of England and quarreled with Henry, and later Henry's son…


(Encyclopedia) CanossaCanossakänôsˈsä [key], village, in Emilia-Romagna, N central Italy, in the Apennines. There are ruins of the 10th-century castle of the powerful feudal family that took its name…

Montfort, Simon de, earl of Leicester

(Encyclopedia) Montfort, Simon de, earl of Leicester, 1208?–1265, leader of the baronial revolt against Henry III of England. By 1258 Simon was an active member of the baronial opposition that…