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Ticknor, William Davis

(Encyclopedia) Ticknor, William Davis, 1810–64, American publisher. John Reed and James T. Fields became Ticknor's partners in Boston, and their firm is best known as Ticknor and Fields. They…

Tulloch, John

(Encyclopedia) Tulloch, JohnTulloch, Johntŭlˈəkh, –ək [key], 1823–86, Scottish liberal theologian and educator. Ordained (1845) into the Church of Scotland, he was a parish minister until 1854, when…

Robert I, duke of Normandy

(Encyclopedia) Robert I (Robert the Magnificent), d. 1035, duke of Normandy (1027–35); father of William the Conqueror. He is often identified with the legendary Robert the Devil. He aided King Henry…

Pilon, Germain

(Encyclopedia) Pilon, GermainPilon, GermainzhĕrmăNˈ pēlôNˈ [key], 1535–90, French sculptor. He was court sculptor under the later Valois sovereigns. He executed several sculptures on Henry II's…

Wald, Lillian D.

(Encyclopedia) Wald, Lillian D.Wald, Lillian D.wôld [key], 1867–1940, American social worker and pioneer in public health nursing. In 1893 she organized a visiting nurse service, which became the…

Eleanor of Aquitaine

(Encyclopedia) Eleanor of AquitaineEleanor of Aquitaineăkwĭtānˈ, ăkˈwĭtān [key], 1122?–1204, queen consort first of Louis VII of France and then of Henry II of England. Daughter and heiress of…

Conrad III, ruler of the Holy Roman Empire

(Encyclopedia) Conrad III, c.1093–1152, German king (1138–52), son of Frederick, duke of Swabia, and Agnes, daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV; first of the Hohenstaufen dynasty. He joined his…

Lee, Rowland

(Encyclopedia) Lee or Legh, RowlandLee or Legh, Rowlandboth: lē [key], d. 1543, English bishop. Educated at Cambridge, he received preferments under the patronage of Cardinal Wolsey, who employed him…

Poynings, Sir Edward

(Encyclopedia) Poynings, Sir Edward, 1459–1521, English statesman. After taking part in an insurrection (1483) against Richard III, he fled to the Continent, where he joined the followers of Henry…