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Displaying 101 - 110

Tyler, John

(Encyclopedia) Tyler, John, 1790–1862, 10th President of the United States, b. Charles City co., Va. Tyler, nominated by a small Democratic faction, had withdrawn from the 1844 election. In Feb…

Henry VII, king of England

(Encyclopedia) Henry VII, 1457–1509, king of England (1485–1509) and founder of the Tudor dynasty. Henry was an astute political leader. He established the Tudor tradition of strong rule tempered…

Evans, Caradoc

(Encyclopedia) Evans, Caradoc, 1883–1945, Anglo-Welsh novelist and short-story writer. His chief works are his short-story collections, My People (1915), Capel Sion (1916), and My Neighbors (1919),…

Henry III, Holy Roman emperor and German king

(Encyclopedia) Henry III, 1017–56, Holy Roman emperor (1046–56) and German king (1039–56), son and successor of Conrad II. He was crowned joint king with his father in 1028, and acceded on Conrad's…

Matilda, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Matilda, Saint: see Henry I (Henry the Fowler).

Shelton, Henry

chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffBirthplace: Tarboro, N.C.Born: 1/2/42

Winkler, Henry

actor, director, producerBirthplace: New York CityBorn: 10/30/45

Gibson, Henry

actor, comedianBirthplace: Germantown, Pa.Born: 9/21/35