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Brewer's: Pitri

(plur. PITARAS). An order of divine beings in Hindu mythology inhabiting celestial regions of their own, and receiving into their society the spirits of those mortals whose funeral rites…

Brewer's: Pitt's Mark

The printer's name and place of business affixed to printed books, according to William Pitt's Act, 39 Geo. III., c. 79. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Florentius

A knight who bound himself to marry a “foul and ugly witch,” if she would teach him the solution of a riddle on which his life depended. (Gower: Confessio Amantis.) Source: Dictionary of…

1984 Olympic Judo Results

Class   Super-Lightweight (-132 1/2 lb) Shinji Hosokawa, JPN   Jae-Jup Kim, KOR   Edward Liddle, USA   Neil Eckersley, GBR Welterweight (-143 1/4 lb) Yoshiyuki Matsuoka…

Sierra Leone: Major Players in the Civil War

The countries and people involved in the civil war by David Johnson Infoplease Atlas: Sierra Leone Related Links Sierra Leone Civil WarCountry Profile: Sierra LeoneMap: Sierra LeoneMap:…

Brewer's: Koh-i-Nur

[Mountain of light]. A large diamond in the possession of the Queen of England. It was found on the banks of the Godavery (Deccan), 1550, and belonged to Shah Jehan and Aurungzebe the…

Brewer's: Dialectics

Metaphysics; the art of disputation; that strictly logical discussion which leads to reliable results. The product or result is ideas, which, being classified, produce knowledge; but all…

Brewer's: Necklace

A necklace of coral or white bryony beads used to be worn round the necks of children to aid their teething. Necklaces of hyoscyamus or henbane-root have been recommended for the same…

Brewer's: Sand

(George). The nom de plume of Madame Dudevant, a French authoress, assumed out of attachment to Jules Sand or Sandeau, a young student, in conjunction with whom she published her first…