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Biographies: Notable Actors

Notable Actors Isabella Rossellini See also Filmmakers and Directors African-American Actors Asian American Film & Television Personalities Hispanic-American Film, Television, and…

Civil War, in U.S. history

(Encyclopedia) Civil War, in U.S. history, conflict (1861–65) between the Northern states (the Union) and the Southern states that seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy. It is generally…

Nobel Prizes (table)

(Encyclopedia) Nobel Prizes Year Peace Chemistry Physics Physiology or Medicine Literature 1901 J. H. Dunant Frédéric Passy J. H. van't Hoff W. C. Roentgen E. A. von Behring R. F. A. Sully-…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE5 China, Mandarin Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo [central glorious people's united country; i.e., people's republic],…