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II. Ozone Depletion

For over 50 years, chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, were thought of as miracle substances. They are stable, nonflammable, low in toxicity, and inexpensive to produce. Over time, CFCs found uses…

Dream Team II

Dream Team II Head coach Don Nelson's 12-man NBA All-Star squad that cruised to gold medal at 1994 World Basketball Championships in Toronto— Derrick Coleman, Joe Dumars, Kevin Johnson, Larry…

II. The Talavakara-Upanishad

II. The Talavakâra-UpanishadTHIS Upanishad is best known by the name of Kena-upanishad, from its first word. The name of brâhmî-upanishad (IV, 7) can hardly be considered as a title. It means…

II. The Mundaka-Upanishad

II. The Mundaka-UpanishadThis is an Upanishad of the Atharva-veda. It is a Mantra-upanishad, i.e. it has the form of a Mantra. But, as the commentators observe, though it is written in verse…

William Shakespeare: King Lear, Act II, Scene II

Scene IIBefore Gloucester's castleEnter Kent and Oswald, severallyOswaldGood dawning to thee, friend: art of this house?KentAy.OswaldWhere may we set our horses?KentI' the mire.OswaldPrithee…