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Plundering the Past: Recovering the Head of Ramses II
Egyptian police recover teh magnificent statue's head from a farmhouse by David Johnson Related Links Plundering the Past: IntroGlossary of Art MovementsAlmanac: ArtLaw Enforcement &…William Shakespeare: Measure for Measure, Act II
Act IIScene IA hall In Angelo's houseEnter Angelo, Escalus, and a Justice, Provost, Officers, and other Attendants, behindAngeloWe must not make a scarecrow of the law, Setting it up to fear…William Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice, Act II
Act IIScene IBelmont. A room in Portia's houseFlourish of cornets. Enter the Prince of Morocco and his train; Portia, Nerissa, and others attendingMoroccoMislike me not for my complexion, The…William Shakespeare: Pericles, Act II, Scene I
Scene IPentapolis. An open place by the sea-sideEnter Pericles, wetPericlesYet cease your ire, you angry stars of heaven! Wind, rain, and thunder, remember, earthly man Is but a substance…William Shakespeare: Pericles, Act II, Scene V
Scene VPentapolis. A room in the palaceEnter Simonides, reading a letter, at one door: the Knights meet himFirst KnightGood morrow to the good Simonides.SimonidesKnights, from my daughter…Geneva Convention, Part III, Section II
Section II Aliens in the Territory of a Party to the Conflict Article 35 All protected persons who may desire to leave the territory at the outset of, or during a conflict, shall…Geneva Convention, Part IV, Section II
Section II Final Provisions Article 150 The present Convention is established in English and in French. Both texts are equally authentic. The Swiss Federal Council shall arrange…William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, Act II
Act IIScene IRome. Brutus's orchardEnter BrutusBrutusWhat, Lucius, ho! I cannot, by the progress of the stars, Give guess how near to day. Lucius, I say! I would it were my fault to sleep so…William Shakespeare: Cymbeline, Act II, Scene V
Scene VAnother room in Philario's houseEnter Posthumus LeonatusPosthumus LeonatusIs there no way for men to be but women Must be half-workers? We are all bastards; And that most venerable man…William Shakespeare: Comedy of Errors, Act II
Act IIScene IThe house of Antipholus of EphesusEnter Adriana and LucianaAdrianaNeither my husband nor the slave return'd, That in such haste I sent to seek his master! Sure, Luciana, it is…