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Claudius II
(Encyclopedia) Claudius II (Marcus Aurelius Claudius), d. 270, Roman emperor (268–70), called Gothicus. A successful general under Valerian, Claudius put down the revolt in which Gallienus was killed…Alaric II
(Encyclopedia) Alaric II, d. 507, Visigothic king of Spain and of S Gaul (c.484–507), son and successor of Euric. He issued (506) at Toulouse the Breviary of Alaric for his Roman subjects. Alaric's…Clotaire II
(Encyclopedia) Clotaire II, d. 629, Frankish king, son of Chilperic I and Fredegunde. He succeeded (584) his father as king of Neustria, but his mother ruled for him until her death (597). In 613,…Edward II
(Encyclopedia) Edward II, 1284–1327, king of England (1307–27), son of Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, called Edward of Carnarvon for his birthplace in Wales. When trouble threatened with the new…Amenemhet II
(Encyclopedia) Amenemhet IIAmenemhet IIäˌmĕnĕmˈhĕt, āˌ– [key], d. 1903 b.c., king of ancient Egypt, of the XII dynasty; son and successor of Sesostris I. He was coregent with his father (1938–1935 b.…Amenhotep II
(Encyclopedia) Amenhotep IIAmenhotep IIäˌmĕnhōˈtĕp, āˌ– [key] or Amenophis IIAmenophis IIăˌmĕnōˈfĭs [key], d. c.1420 b.c., king of ancient Egypt, of the XVIII dynasty; son and successor of Thutmose…Feodor II
(Encyclopedia) Feodor II, 1589–1605, czar of Russia (1605). He succeeded his father, Boris Godunov, but was assassinated when the first false Dmitri was proclaimed czar.Faisal II
(Encyclopedia) Faisal II or Feisal IIFaisal IIboth: fīˈsəl [key], 1935–58, king of Iraq (1939–58). He ascended to the throne on the death of his father, King Ghazi. After a long regency, Faisal…Amasis II
(Encyclopedia) Amasis II, d. 525 b.c., king of ancient Egypt (569–525 b.c.), of the XXVI dynasty. In a military revolt he dethroned Apries. He erected temples and other buildings at Memphis and Saïs…Hassan II
(Encyclopedia) Hassan IIHassan IIhäˈsän [key], 1929–99, king of Morocco (1961–99). Formerly crown prince Moulay Hassan ben Mohammed Alaoui, he ascended the throne on the death (1961) of his father,…