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Gustavus II

(Encyclopedia) Gustavus II (Gustavus Adolphus), 1594–1632, king of Sweden (1611–32), son and successor of Charles IX. In military organization and strategy, Gustavus was ahead of his time. While…

Andronicus II

(Encyclopedia) Andronicus II (Andronicus Palaeologus)Andronicus IIăndrənīˈkəs [key]Andronicus IIpālēŏlˈəgəs [key], 1258–1332, Byzantine emperor (1282–1328), son and successor of Michael VIII. He…

Humbert II

(Encyclopedia) Humbert II, 1904–83, last king of Italy (1946), son and successor of Victor Emmanuel III. On the abdication (May, 1946) of his father, who was tainted by his long acquiescence (1922–43…

Antiochus II

(Encyclopedia) Antiochus II (Antiochus Theos)Antiochus IIāntīˈəkəs [key]Antiochus IIthēˈŏs [key], d. 247 b.c., king of Syria (261?–247 b.c.), son and successor of Antiochus I. In warfare with…

Hiero II

(Encyclopedia) Hiero II, d. c.215 b.c., Greek Sicilian ruler, tyrant of Syracuse (c.270–c.215 b.c.). He showed such ability and distinction after Pyrrhus left Sicily (275 b.c.) that he was made…

Antigonus II

(Encyclopedia) Antigonus II (Antigonus Gonatas)Antigonus IIăntigˈənəs [key]Antigonus IIgōnāˈtəs [key], c.320–239 b.c., king of Macedon, son of Demetrius I. He took the title king on his father's…

Joseph II

(Encyclopedia) Joseph II, 1741–90, Holy Roman emperor (1765–90), king of Bohemia and Hungary (1780–90), son of Maria Theresa and Holy Roman Emperor Francis I, whom he succeeded. He was the first…

Julius II

(Encyclopedia) Julius II, 1443–1513, pope (1503–13), an Italian named Giuliano della Rovere, b. Savona; successor of Pius III. His uncle Sixtus IV gave him many offices and created him cardinal.…

Joanna II

(Encyclopedia) Joanna II, 1371–1435, queen of Naples (1414–35), sister and successor of Lancelot. The intrigues of her favorites kept her court in turmoil. Her second husband, James of Bourbon, tried…

Justin II

(Encyclopedia) Justin II, d. 578, Byzantine emperor (565–78), nephew and successor to Justinian I. He allied himself with the Turks and resumed the wars with Persia. During his reign Slavs and Avars…