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Displaying 361 - 370

Brewer's: Oldenburg Horn

A horn long in the possession of the reigning princes of the House of Oldenburg, but now in the collection of the King of Denmark. According to tradition, Count Otto of Oldenburg, in 967,…

Brewer's: Man of Blood and Iron

(The). Otto von Bismarck (Prince Bismarck), called “man of blood” from his great war policy, and “iron” from his indomitable will. Many years Chancellor of Prussia and Germany. (Born…

1924 Olympic Freestyle Wrestling Winners

Event   Bantamweight (-123 1/2 lb) Kustaa Pihlajamäki, FIN   Kaarlo Mäkinen, FIN   Bryant Hines, USA Featherweight (-134 1/2 lb) Robin Reed, USA   Chester Newton, USA…

1900 Olympics Swimming Medalists

Event   Time 220yd Free Frederick Lane, AUS 2:25.2   Zoltán Halmay, HUN 2:31.4   Karl Ruberl, AUT 2:32.0 1000m Free John Jarvis, GBR 13:40.2   Otto Wahle…

1988 Olympics

SeoulTop 10 StandingsLeading Medal WinnersTrack & FieldBoxingGymnasticsSwimmingTennisTeam SportsArcheryCanoeingCyclingEquestrianFencingJudoGymnasticsModern…

After There was 'Lucy'

New 2.5 million-year-old ancestor found in Ethiopia by Otto Johnson "This combination of features has never been seen before," said Tim White, a paleoanthropologist and co-leader of the discovery…

Brewer's: Vacuum Boyleanum

Such a vacuum as can be produced by Boyle's improved air-pump, the nearest approach to a vacuum practicable with human instruments. The Guerickian vacuum is that produced by ordinary air-…

Brewer's: Improvisatrix

or Improvisatrice. The most famous improvisatrices or female improvisators are: MARIA MAGDALE'NA MORELLI FERNANDEZ, surnamed the Olympic Corilla, crowned at Rome for improvisations (1740-…