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Mary Fendrich Hulman 1998 Deaths

Mary Fendrich HulmanAge: 93 chairman of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway since 1977 and traditionally responsible for the famous command “Gentlemen, start your engines,” before each race;…

Mary Kay Letourneau, 1998 News

36–year-old Tacoma, Wash., schoolteacher, was ordered to serve her suspended 71/2 year child-rape sentence after being found with the 14-year-old student with whom she had a baby last year…

Mary Jane Latsis 1997 Deaths

Mary Jane Latsisnovelist With her collaborator Martha Henissart, Latsis created the formidable John Putnam Thatcher, a New York banker with a knack for crime-solving. The pair penned more…

Mary Carolyn Davies: A Girl's Songs

A Girl's SongsMary Carolyn DaviesBorrowerI sing of sorrow, I sing of weeping. I have no sorrow.I only borrow From some tomorrow Where it lies sleeping, Enough of sorrow To sing of…

Mary Ann Shadd Cary Biography

abolitionistBorn: 10/9/1823Birthplace: Wilmington, DelawareDied: 1893 (Washington, D.C.) The oldest of 13 children born to Harriet and Abraham Shadd, leaders of the…

Mari-Rae Sopper 2001 Deaths

Mari-Rae SopperAge: 35 gymnastics coach at UC Santa Barbara who was one of the passengers aboard American Airlines Flight 77 which crashed into the Pentagon; on her way to California to take…

Mary Kay Ash 2001 Deaths

Mary Kay AshAge: 83 cosmetics executive who built a $1.2 billion empire from a $5,000 investment in 1963. Known for her decadent style and obsession with pink, Ash employed more than 850,000…

Mary Ann Dyer Goodnight Biography

Mary Ann Dyer Goodnight Mollyearly settler, philanthropist Born: 9/12/1839Birthplace: Madison County, Tenn. Daughter of a prominent lawyer, Mary Dyer was 14 when the family moved to Texas.…

Mary O. McCarthy, 2006 News

CIA analyst, was fired in April—10 days before she was set to retire—for “unauthorized contacts with reporters and sharing classified information with reporters.” A CIA spokesperson said, “…

Mary Eliza Church Terrell Biography

Mary Eliza Church Terrellcivil rights and women's rights activistBorn: 9/23/1863Birthplace: Memphis, Tenn. Although Church Terrell's parents had been born slaves, they eventually became…