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Displaying 361 - 370

Abernathy, Ralph David

(Encyclopedia) Abernathy, Ralph DavidAbernathy, Ralph Davidăbˈərnăthˌē [key], 1926–90, American civil-rights leader, b. Linden, Ala. A Baptist minister, he helped Martin Luther King, Jr., organize…

McGill, Ralph Emerson

(Encyclopedia) McGill, Ralph EmersonMcGill, Ralph Emersonməgĭlˈ [key], 1898–1969, American journalist and publisher, b. E Tenn. A proponent of civil rights, he was expelled from Vanderbilt Univ. for…

Pezuela, Joaquín de la

(Encyclopedia) Pezuela, Joaquín de laPezuela, Joaquín de lahwäkēnˈ dā lä pāswāˈlä [key], d. 1830, Spanish general, viceroy of Peru (1816–21). During the South American wars of independence from Spain…

Field, Eugene

(Encyclopedia) Field, Eugene, 1850–95, American poet and journalist, b. St. Louis. After working on several Midwestern newspapers, in 1883 he became a columnist for the Chicago Daily News (later the…

Berkovits, Eliezer

(Encyclopedia) Berkovits, EliezerBerkovits, Eliezerĕlˌēāˈzər brˈkōvĭts [key], 1908–92, rabbi, theologian, and educator, b. Romania. He served in the rabbinate in Berlin (1934–39), in Leeds, England (…


(Encyclopedia) waltz, romantic dance in moderate triple time. It evolved from the German Ländler and became popular in the 18th cent. The dance is smooth, graceful, and vital in performance. The…

Arendt, Hannah

(Encyclopedia) Arendt, HannahArendt, Hannahhänˈä ärˈənt [key], 1906–75, German-American political theorist, b. Hanover, Germany, B.A. Königsberg, 1924, Ph.D. Heidelberg, 1928. In 1925 she met Martin…

All-Purpose Yardage Leaders, 1998

AFCRushRecRetTotalMarshall Faulk, Ind.131990802227Terrell Davis, Den.200821702225Kevin Williams, Buf.4639214281866John Avery*, Mia.5036710851655Curtis Martin, NYJ128736501652Fred Taylor*, Jax…

Sports Personalities

Information has been gathered from many sources, including the individuals themselves. However, the almanac cannot guarantee the accuracy of every individual item.Aaron, Hank Abbott, Jim Abdul-…

McDonnell, James Smith

(Encyclopedia) McDonnell, James Smith, 1899–1980, American aviation pioneer, b. Denver, B.S. Princeton, 1921, M.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1925. He designed the Doodlebug (1929), a…