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John Keats: Book I

by John Keats Book IIBook I Deep in the shady sadness of a vale Far sunken from the healthy breath of morn, Far from the fiery noon, and eve's one star, Sat gray-hair'd Saturn,…

flood, in hydrology

(Encyclopedia) flood, inundation of land by the rise and overflow of a body of water. Floods occur most commonly when water from heavy rainfall, from melting ice and snow, or from a combination of…

Gershwin, George

(Encyclopedia) Gershwin, GeorgeGershwin, Georgegŭrshˈwĭn [key], 1898–1937, American composer, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., as Jacob Gershwin. Gershwin wrote some of the most original and popular musical works…

Brewer's: Pre-Raphaelites

A term introduced by Hunt and his friends, who wished to intimate that they preferred the simplicity and truthfulness of the painters who preceded Raphael. The term now signifies a very…

Loesser, Frank

(Encyclopedia) Loesser, Frank (Frank Henry Loesser), 1910–69, American lyricist and songwriter, b. New York City. He is noted for smart, often witty lyrics that catch the tone and rhythms of…


(Encyclopedia) viaductviaductvīˈədŭktˌ [key] [Lat.,=road conveyor], type of bridge for carrying a highway or railroad over a valley, over low ground, or over a road. It is commonly constructed in the…

Città Vecchia

(Encyclopedia) Città VecchiaCittà Vecchiachēt-täˈ vĕkˈkyä [key] [Ital.,=old city], Città Notabile, or NotabileCittà Vecchianōtäˈbēlā [key], Maltese MdinaCittà Vecchiaəmdēˈnä [key], town, central…

Lear, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Lear, Edward, 1812–88, English humorist and artist. At 19 he was employed as a draftsman by the London Zoological Society; the paintings of parrots that he produced for The Family of…

Sun Wu and his Book

The Text of Sun Tzu Sun Wu and his Book Ssu-ma Ch`ien gives the following biography of Sun Tzu: [1] — Sun Tzu Wu was a native of the Ch`i State. His ART OF WAR brought him to the notice of Ho…