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Armagh, city, Northern Ireland

(Encyclopedia) Armagh, city, S Northern Ireland. Textiles, chemicals, and processed foods are produced in the city. Armagh (originally Ard Macha) has been the ecclesiastical capital of…

book lung

(Encyclopedia) book lung, terrestrial respiratory organ characteristic of arachnids such as scorpions and primitive spiders. Each book lung consists of hollow flat plates. Air bathes the outer…

Franzen, Jonathan

(Encyclopedia) Franzen, Jonathan, 1959–, American novelist, b. Western Springs, Ill., B.A. Swarthmore College, 1981. His first two novels, The Twenty-Seventh City (1988) and Strong Motion (1992),…

Exeter Book

(Encyclopedia) Exeter Book, manuscript volume of Old English religious and secular poetry, of various dates of composition, compiled c.975 and given to Exeter Cathedral by Bishop Leofric (d. 1072).…

Cardano, Girolamo

(Encyclopedia) Cardano, Girolamo or GeronimoCardano, Girolamo or Geronimojērôˈlämō kärdäˈnō, jārôˈnēmō [key], 1501–76, Italian physician and mathematician. His works on arithmetic and algebra…

Geology of the Grand Canyon: Corrasion.

WEATHERING.CORRASION.Mr. G. K. Gilbert has embodied in his admirable monograph on the Henry Mountains, a chapter on Land Sculpture, which sets forth in most logical and condensed from the…


(Encyclopedia) Proverbs, book of the Bible. It is a collection of sayings, many of them moral maxims, in no special order. The teaching is of a practical nature; it does not dwell on the salvation-…


(Encyclopedia) Henri, 1955–, grand duke of Luxembourg (2000–), the oldest son of Jean, grand duke of Luxembourg, and Joséphine Charlotte, princess of Belgium. In 1981 Henri married María Teresa…