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Grand Island

(Encyclopedia) Grand Island <1> City (2020 pop. 53,131), seat of Hall co., S Nebr., on the Wood River near its junction with the Platte; settled…


(Encyclopedia) MitlaMitlamētˈlä [key] [Nahuatl,=abode of the dead], religious center of the Zapotec, near Oaxaca, SW Mexico. Probably built in the 13th cent., the buildings, unlike the pyramidal…

Grand Haven

(Encyclopedia) Grand Haven, city (2020 pop. 11,011), seat of Ottawa co., SW Mich., at the mouth of the Grand River; inc. 1867. It is a port on Lake…

Ryswick, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia) Ryswick, Treaty of, 1697, the pact that ended the War of the Grand Alliance. Its signers were France on one side and England, Spain, and the Netherlands on the other. It was a setback…

Merrill, James

(Encyclopedia) Merrill, James (James Ingram Merrill), 1926–95, American poet, b. New York City. Born into wealth as the son of Charles Merrill, he studied at Amherst College (grad. 1947) and was free…

Josie Plays Mermaid

Josie Plays MermaidWhile the young Bhaers were having serious experiences at home, Josie was enjoying herself immensely at Rocky Nook; for the Laurences knew how to make summer idleness both…

Brewer's: Lie Low

(To). To conceal oneself or one's intentions. “All this while Brer Rabbit lay low.” —Uncle Remus. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Lie OverLie A B C D E…

Brewer's: Low-bell

Night-fowling, in which birds are first roused from their slumber by the tinkling of a bell; and then dazzled by a light so as to be easily caught. (Low, Scotch, lowe, a flame, as a “lowe…

Brewer's: Low Church

The Times defines a Low Churchman as one “who loves a Jew and hates the Pope.” We now call a Calvinistic episcopalian one of the Low Church because he holds “church rituals” and the dogma…