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Louis I, emperor of the West

(Encyclopedia) Louis I or Louis the Pious, Fr. Louis le Pieux or Louis le Débonnaire, 778–840, emperor of the West (814–40), son and successor of Charlemagne. He was crowned king of Aquitaine in 781…

Louis III, French king

(Encyclopedia) Louis III, c.863–882, French king, son of King Louis II. He became joint ruler with his brother Carloman on the death of Louis II (879), despite the attempts of Louis the Younger to…

Louis II, French king

(Encyclopedia) Louis II or Louis the Stammerer, 846–79, French king. He succeeded (877) his father, Emperor of the West Charles II, as king. On Louis's death his kingdom was divided between his sons…

Louis IV, French king

(Encyclopedia) Louis IV or Louis d'OutremerLouis d'Outremerlwē d&oomacr;trəmĕrˈ [key] [Fr.,=Louis from overseas], 921–54, French king (936–54), son of King Charles III (Charles the Simple). He…

Louis the German

(Encyclopedia) Louis the German, c.804–876, king of the East Franks (817–76). When his father, Emperor of the West Louis I, partitioned the empire in 817, Louis received Bavaria and adjacent…

Rulers of France since 987 (table)

(Encyclopedia) Rulers of France since 987(including dates of reign) The Capetians Hugh Capet, 987–96 Robert II (the Pious), son of Hugh Capet, 996–1031 Henry I, son of Robert II, 1031–60…

Louis, titular duke of Burgundy

(Encyclopedia) Louis, 1682–1712, titular duke of Burgundy; grandson of King Louis XIV of France. He became heir to the throne on the death (1711) of his father, Louis the Great Dauphin. François de…

Louis VII, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Louis VII (Louis the Young), c.1120–1180, king of France (1137–80), son and successor of King Louis VI. Before his accession he married Eleanor of Aquitaine. A controversy with Pope…

Louis II, king of Naples

(Encyclopedia) Louis II, 1377–1417, king of Naples (1384–1417), duke of Anjou, count of Provence, son and successor of Louis I of Naples. In 1389 the antipope Clement VII (Robert of Geneva) invested…

Molé, Louis Mathieu, Comte

(Encyclopedia) Molé, Louis Mathieu, ComteMolé, Louis Mathieu, Comtelwē mätyöˈ kôNt môlāˈ [key], 1781–1855, French politician. He was made a count and minister of justice by Emperor Napoleon I and…