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Lewis & Clark: The Expedition Subdivided

by NoahBrooks Crossing the Bitter Root MountainsAdventures on the YellowstoneThe Expedition Subdivided On the third of July, accordingly, Captain Lewis, with nine of his…

Kao, Sir Charles Kuen

(Encyclopedia) Kao, Sir Charles Kuen, 1933–2018, British-American physicist, b. Shanghai, China, Ph.D. Imperial College London, 1965. Kao was an engineer and researcher at Standard Telecommunications…

radioactive waste

(Encyclopedia) radioactive waste, material containing the unusable radioactive byproducts of the scientific, military, and industrial applications of nuclear energy. Since its radioactivity presents…

Dorfman, Ariel

(Encyclopedia) Dorfman, ArielDorfman, Arieläryĕlˈ dôrfˈmän [key], 1942–, Chilean novelist, playwright, essayist, and journalist, b. Argentina. Dorfman's family moved to the United States shortly…


(Encyclopedia) hammerhead, common name for a heavy-looking, heronlike bird, Scopus umbretta. Its plumage is brown with light and dark glossy, purplish streaks on the wings and body. It has short legs…


(Encyclopedia) OrpheusOrpheusôrˈfēəs, ôrˈfy&oomacr;s [key], in Greek mythology, celebrated Thracian musician. He was the son of Calliope by Apollo or, according to another legend, by Oeagrus, a…

compulsive gambling

(Encyclopedia) compulsive gambling or pathological gambling, a psychological disorder characterized by a persistent inability to resist the impulse to gamble. The disorder is progressive and…

Gombrich, E. H.

(Encyclopedia) Gombrich, E. H. (Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich), 1909–2001, British art historian and scholar, b. Vienna, grad. Univ. of Vienna (1933). From a culturally prominent Austrian-Jewish family,…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 14, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 13, 1804July 15, 1804July 14, 1804 July the 14th Satturday Some hard Shours of rain accompaned with Some wind detained us untill about 7…