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Brewer's: Hunting the Snark

A child's tale by “Lewis Carroll,” a pseudonym adopted by C. Lutwidge Dodgson, author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, with its continuation, Through the Looking-glass, etc. (See Snark…

Breuer, Lee

(Encyclopedia) Breuer, Lee,1937-2021, American theater director, b. Philadelphia, PA, as Esser Leopold Breuer. Theatrical director and cofounder of experimental theater troupe, the Mabou Mines,…

Edgar Lee Masters: Spoon River Anthology

Spoon River AnthologyEdgar Lee MastersWashington McNeelyRich, honored by my fellow citizens, The father of many children, born of a noble mother, All raised there In the great mansion-house,…

Brewer's: Pythagoras

son of Mnesarchos, was called son of Apollo or Pythios, from the first two syllables of his name; but he was called Pythagoras because the Pythian oracle predicted his birth. Pythagoras,…

Böhm, Gottfried

(Encyclopedia) Böhm, Gottfried, 1920-2021, b. Offenbach-am-Main, Germany, Technical Univ. in Munich (1946). Böhm’s father, Dominkus Böhm , and…

von Sydow, Max

(Encyclopedia) von Sydow, Max, 1929–2020, Swedish actor, b. Carl Adolf von Sydow. He worked with director Ingmar Bergman at the Malmö Municipal Theatre (1955–60) before moving to Stockhom and joining…

Movies and Film: A Condensed History of Color

A Condensed History of ColorMovies and FilmFilm: Aesthetics of Black and White and Color FilmBlitz-Klieg: A Brief History of Black-and-White FilmA Condensed History of ColorThe Aesthetics of Black…

Peter Pan: The Pirate Ship

Do You Believe in Fairies? "Hook or Me this Time" The Pirate Ship One green light squinting over Kidd's Creek, which is near the mouth of the pirate river, marked where the brig, the…

Andersen's Fairy Tales: The Shadow

The False CollarThe Little Match GirlThe Shadow It is in the hot lands that the sun burns, sure enough! there the people become quite a mahogany brown, ay, and in the HOTTEST lands they…

The Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto XXXII

Inferno: Canto XXXIInferno: Canto XXXIIIInferno: Canto XXXII If I had rhymes both rough and stridulous, As were appropriate to the dismal hole Down upon which thrust all the other…