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Displaying 111 - 120

Chihuly, Dale Patrick

(Encyclopedia) Chihuly, Dale PatrickChihuly, Dale Patrickchĭh&oomacr;ˈlē [key] 1941–, American glass artist, b. Tacoma, Wash.; grad. Univ. of Washington, Seattle (B.A., 1965), Rhode Island School…

Flatland: Concerning a Stranger from Spaceland

by Edwin A. Abbott How I vainly tried to explain ...How the Stranger vainly endeav...Concerning a Stranger from Spaceland From dreams I proceed to facts. It was the last day of our…

Look at These Prices!: Tinkering with Markets

Tinkering with MarketsLook at These Prices!IntroductionLet's Stretch: Elasticity of DemandWhat Determines Elasticity?Tinkering with MarketsThe Price You Gotta Pay Up to now we have been examining…

Joe DiMaggio: A Look Back

by John Gettings This picture of Joe DiMaggio was taken in 1941, five years after he left his job at an orange juice company to sign with the N.Y.…

What to Look for on a Campus Visit

  What's the typical class size for freshmen? For upperclassmen? Asking about student:teacher ratio won't really give you the information that you want…

Walt Whitman: A Song for Occupations, Part 5

Part 5Will the whole come back then? Can each see signs of the best by a look in the looking-glass? is there nothing greater or more? Does all sit there with you, with the mystic unseen…

Céline, Louis Ferdinand

(Encyclopedia) Céline, Louis FerdinandCéline, Louis Ferdinandlwē fĕrdēnNˈ sālēnˈ [key], 1894–1961, French author, whose real name was Louis Ferdinand Destouches. Céline wrote grim, scatological, and…