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Archer, The

(Encyclopedia) Archer, The, English name for Sagittarius, a constellation.

Lizard, The

(Encyclopedia) Lizard, The, peninsula, Cornwall, SW England. Its southern extremity (the southernmost point of Great Britain) is called Lizard Point or Lizard Head. The coast has colored serpentine…

Lusiads, The

(Encyclopedia) Lusiads, The: see Camões, Luís de.

Dalles, The

(Encyclopedia) Dalles, The, Oregon: see The Dalles.

Goat, The

(Encyclopedia) Goat, The, English name for Capricornus, a constellation.

Ram, The

(Encyclopedia) Ram, The, English name for Aries, a constellation.

Rockies, the

(Encyclopedia) Rockies, the: see Rocky Mountains.

Scorpion, The

(Encyclopedia) Scorpion, The, English name for Scorpius, a constellation.

Skaw, the

(Encyclopedia) Skaw, the, Denmark: see Skagen.

Rand, the

(Encyclopedia) Rand, the: see Witwatersrand.