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In-Line Skating

YearMen's Vert1995Tom Fry1996Rene Hulgreen1997Tim Ward1998Cesar Mora1999Eito Yasutoko2000Eito Yasutoko2001Taig Khris2002Event discontinuedYearWomen's Vert1995Tash Hodgeson1996Fabiola da…

raisin, in botany and cooking

(Encyclopedia) raisin, dried fruit of certain varieties of grapevines bearing grapes with a high content of sugar and solid flesh. Although the fruit is sometimes artificially dehydrated, it is…

Orphic Mysteries

(Encyclopedia) Orphic Mysteries or Orphism, religious cult of ancient Greece, prominent in the 6th cent. b.c. According to legend Orpheus founded these mysteries and was the author of the sacred…

Angus cattle

(Encyclopedia) Angus cattleAngus cattleăngˈgəs [key], breed of black polled (hornless) beef cattle, originated in Scotland and introduced in 1873 to the United States, where they have become well…


(Encyclopedia) souari or swarri nut, name for tropical trees of the genus Caryocar, abundant in N South America. The fatty “nuts,” botanically drupe fruits, somewhat resemble Brazil nuts but are much…

Pearlstein, Philip

(Encyclopedia) Pearlstein, Philip, 1924–, American painter, b. Pittsburgh. He paints monumental nude figures directly from life with a verisimilitude that captures sagging and sallow flesh, works…


(Encyclopedia) tinamoutinamoutĭnˈəm&oomacr; [key], common name for a South American game bird related to the ostrich. It is protectively colored in browns and grays. The females are the…

Philomela and Procne

(Encyclopedia) Philomela and ProcnePhilomela and Procnefĭlōmēˈlə, prŏkˈnē [key], in Greek mythology, daughters of King Pandion of Attica. Procne married Tereus, king of Thrace, and bore him a son,…


(Encyclopedia) mullet, blunt-nosed, tropical and temperate water fishes of the family Mugilidae, found worldwide. Small schools of mullets frequent shallow waters, feeding on aquatic plants and on…


(Encyclopedia) leather, skin or hide of animals, cured by tanning to prevent decay and to impart flexibility and toughness. Prehistoric and primitive peoples preserved pelts with grease and smoke and…