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Presidential Veto Power

Presidential Veto Powerby Does the Presidential Veto Power Infringe on the Separation of Departments?"WILLIAM PENN", an anonymous writer appeared in the [Philadelphia] Independent Gazetteer…

Federalist No. 24

No 23 No 25 The Powers Necessary to the Common Defense Further Considered For the Independent Journal.Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: To THE…

Federalist No. 60

No 59 No 61 The Same Subject Continued (Concerning the Power of Congress to Regulate the Election of Members) From the New York Packet.Tuesday, February 26, 1788.…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 24

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 23Federalist No. 25Federalist No. 24 The Powers Necessary to the Common Defense Further Considered To the People of the…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 60

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 59Federalist No. 61Federalist No. 60 The Same Subject Continued (Concerning the Power of Congress to Regulate the Election of…

The Northwest Ordinance

Because the Articles of Confederation, adopted by the states in 1781 as the country's first constitution, have often been considered a failure, it is all too easy to overlook the significant…

Brutus XI

Brutus XI31 January 1788by BrutusSee also Federalist No. 80The nature and extent of the judicial power of the United States, proposed to be granted by this constitution, claims our particular…

Oliver Ellsworth: Landholder IV

Landholder IVOliver EllsworthNovember 26, 1787Remarks on the objections made by the Hon. ELBRIDGE GERRY, to the new constitution.To the Landholders and Farmers. To censure a man for an…

Brutus XIV (pt. 1)

Brutus XIV (pt. 1)21 February 1788by BrutusHaving in the two preceding numbers, examined the nature and tendency of the judicial power, as it respects the explanation of the constitution, I…

Brutus IV

Brutus IV29 November 1787by BrutusTo the People of the State of New-York.There can be no free government where the people are not possessed of the power of making the laws by which they are…