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Notable Women in Media

Oprah Winfrey Biographies ofNotable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists Athletes Businesswomen Comediennes Congresswomen Educators and Scholars Fashion Designers and Models…

Writing Well: Subject to Change

Subject to ChangeWriting WellPaper ChaseTime Flies When You're Having FunSubject to ChangeSubjects vs. TopicsThe Heart of the Matter: Writing a Thesis Statement Writer's Block Don't forget: A…

Pronoun Reference: Introduction

IntroductionPronoun ReferenceIntroductionHow's That Again?It Just Proves There's Someone for EveryoneA Match Made in Writer's Heaven So what the dickens is pronoun reference? A new low-fat,…

Pronouns and Case: Introduction

IntroductionPronouns and CaseIntroductionWhy Can't a Pronoun Be More Like a Noun?The RulesWho Versus Whom (or Should I Just Shoot Myself Now?) When Quentin Crisp told the people of Northern…

Men in Black

Director: Barry SonnenfeldWriter: Ed SolomonDirector of Photography:Don PetermanEditor:Jim MillerMusic:Danny ElfmanProduction Designer:Bo WelchAlien Makeup Effects:Rick BakerProducers:Walter…

Parts of Speech: Grammar

GrammarParts of SpeechGrammarNouns: Prime-Time PlayersVerbs: All the Right MovesConjunctions: The Ties That BindPrepositions: Good Things Come in Small PackagesAdjectives: Happy Little CloudsAdverbs…

Writing Well: Cast a Critical Eye

Cast a Critical EyeWriting WellCast a Critical EyeAn Embarrassment of RichesOn the Right Track Four guys went on a cross-country road trip. They were from Idaho, Iowa, New York, and Florida. Two…

101 Dalmatians

Director:Stephen HerekWriter: John HughesDirector of Photography: Adrian BiddleEditor: Trudy ShipMusic: Michael KamenProduction Designer: Assheton GordonProducers:John Hughes and Ricardo…