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Women's History Month

Women Pulitzer Prize Winners in Journalism   Women's History Month Nobel Winning Scientists Nobel Peace Prize Winners Pulitzer Prize Winners in Literature Women Rulers of…

J - M

William JaggardThomas JamesJeremiah Whipple JenksGeorg JensenNicolas Jenson William Stanley JevonsSteve JobsJohn of SpeyerEldridge Reeves JohnsonEmory Richard JohnsonHoward JohnsonTom Loftin…

Who's Who in the Iraq Crisis

From al-Sahaf to Wolfowitz by Beth Rowen Who's Who John AbizaidMohammed Saeed al-SahafKofi AnnanTariq AzizJosé María AznarTony BlairHans BlixL. Paul BremerGeorge BushAhmed ChalabiDick…

2000 Election Chronology

Tuesday, Nov. 7—Election Day. Pundits have predicted a tight race between Texas governor George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore, but few expect one of the closest elections in U.S. history…

Hurricane Katrina Timeline

Among the worst natural disasters in U.S. history Aug. 25–28 Aug. 29–30 Aug. 31–Sept. 1 Sept. 2–6 Sept. 8–13   Thursday, Aug. 25, 2005 Tropical Storm Katrina becomes a…

August 2004

WorldChristian Churches Targeted in Iraq (Aug. 1): Four churches attacked in coordinated car bombings in Baghdad and Mosul. About a dozen people killed. Secessionist Tension Rises in Georgia…

Terrorism on the Homefront

—Borgna Brunner The transition from the 42nd to 43rd president was troubled on both sides. George W. Bush was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2001, following one of the most disputed presidential…

November 2004

WorldKarzai Declared Official Winner (Nov. 3): Afghanistan's electoral board announces Hamid Karzai won October's presidential election, taking 55.4% of the vote.Arafat Falls Gravely Ill (Nov…