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Beyond Silence

Director:Caroline LinkWriters:Caroline Link and Beth SerlinDirector of Photography:Gernot RollEditor:Patricia RommelMusic:Niki ReiserProduction Designer:Susann BielingProducers:Thomas Wöbke,…

Brewer's: Mudarra

Son of a Moorish princess and Goncalo Bustos de Salas de Lara, who murdered his uncle Rodrigo, while hunting, to avenge the death of his seven half-brothers. (See Lra , The seven infants…

Brewer's: Lar Familiaris

(plu. Lares familiares). The familiar lar was the spirit of the founder of the house, which never left it, but accompanied his descendants in all their changes. (See Lares.) Source:…

Brewer's: Conrad

(Lord). Afterwards called Lara, the corsair. A proud, ascetic, but successful captain. Hearing that the Sultan Seyd was about to attack the pirates, Conrad assumed the disguise of a…

Brewer's: Larboard

now called port (q.v.). (Starboard is from Anglo-Saxon steorabord, the steer-board, or right side of a ship.) Larboard is the French bâbord, the left-hand side of a ship looking towards…

Austin BLAIR, Congress, MI (1818-1894)

BLAIR Austin , a Representative from Michigan; born in Caroline, Tompkins County, N.Y., February 8, 1818; attended the common schools, Cazenovia Seminary, and Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y.;…

Other Noteworthy Releases

A fine way to beat the heat and be entertained Beyond Silence German director Caroline Link's debut is a touching, engaging exploration of the relationship between deaf parents (Howie Seago and…

John Keats: To Autumn

Ode on indolenceOdeTo Autumn Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that…

May 2021 Current Events: US News

Top of Page World News | Science & Technology News | Disaster News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the US…