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Charles Landon KNIGHT, Congress, OH (1867-1933)

KNIGHT Charles Landon , A Representative from Ohio; born near Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Ga., June 18, 1867; attended the public schools; graduated from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.,…

Nehemiah Rice KNIGHT, Congress, RI (1780-1854)

Senate Years of Service: 1821-1841 Party: Democratic Republican; Crawford Republican; Anti-Jacksonian; Whig KNIGHT Nehemiah Rice , a Senator from Rhode Island; born in Cranston, R.I., December 31…

John Knight SHIELDS, Congress, TN (1858-1934)

Senate Years of Service: 1913-1925 Party: Democrat SHIELDS John Knight , a Senator from Tennessee; born at "Clinchdale," near Bean's Station, Grainger County, Tenn., August 15, 1858; was educated…

Ephraim Knight SMART, Congress, ME (1813-1872)

SMART Ephraim Knight , a Representative from Maine; born in Prospect (now Searsport), Maine, September 3, 1813; attended the common schools; completed preparatory studies under private tutors and…

Huerta, Victoriano

(Encyclopedia) Huerta, VictorianoHuerta, Victorianovēktōryäˈnō [key], 1854–1916, Mexican general and president (1913–14). He served under Porfirio Díaz. After the revolution of Francisco I. Madero (…

Garrick, David

(Encyclopedia) Garrick, David, 1717–79, English actor, manager, and dramatist. He was indisputably the greatest English actor of the 18th cent., and his friendships with Diderot, Samuel Johnson,…

Betterton, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Betterton, ThomasBetterton, Thomasbĕtˈərtən [key], 1635?–1710, English actor and manager. He joined Sir William D'Avenant's company at Lincoln's Inn Fields theater in 1661 and became…

Adès, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Adès, ThomasAdès, Thomasădˈĭs [key], 1971–, British composer, conductor, and pianist, b. London, studied Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, and King's College, Cambridge. An…

1976–1977 Emmy Awards

Outstanding Drama SeriesMasterpiece Theatre: Upstairs, Downstairs (PBS)Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama SeriesJames Garner, The Rockford FilesOutstanding Lead Actress in a Drama…