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Upper Arlington

(Encyclopedia) Upper Arlington, city (1990 pop. 34,128), Franklin co., central Ohio; inc. 1918. It is a residential suburb of Columbus.

Franklin, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Franklin. 1 City (2020 pop. 26,414), seat of Johnson co., S central Ind., inc. 1823. It is a farm trade center. Manufactures include…

The U.S. Highway System

At the beginning of the 20th century, an uninterrupted system of nationwide highways did not exist. Beginning in 1811, a National Road had been constructed between Cumberland in western Maryland and…

Bexley, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Bexley, city (2020 pop. 13,650), Franklin co., central Ohio; inc. 1908. It is a residential community completely within the confines of…

Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, Viscount

(Encyclopedia) Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, ViscountSherbrooke, Robert Lowe, Viscountshûrˈbr&oobreve;k [key], 1811–92, British statesman. He emigrated (1842) to Australia and achieved recognition as…

Arciniegas, Germán

(Encyclopedia) Arciniegas, GermánArciniegas, Germánhĕrmänˈ ärsēnyāˈgäs [key], 1900–1999, Colombian historian and diplomat. A leading Latin American intellectual, he gained prominence as a journalist…

Davidson, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Davidson, Thomas, 1842–1900, American scholar and philosopher, b. Scotland, grad. Univ. of Aberdeen, 1860. In 1866 he went to Canada and then to the United States. On a visit to London…

Churchill, town, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Churchill, town, NE Manitoba, Canada, a remote port on Hudson Bay at the mouth of the Churchill River. The northern terminus of the…

hidalgo, in Spanish nobility

(Encyclopedia) hidalgohidalgohēdälˈgō [key] [contraction of Span. hijo de algo=son of something], term designating the lowest degree of Spanish nobility, a rank above the ordinary gentry but below…