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Lane County, OR Census Data

Oregon Lane County, Oregon People QuickFactsLane CountyOregonPopulation, 2005 estimate 335,1803,641,056Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005 3.8%6.4%Population, 2000 322,…

Lane County, OR Social Statistics

Lane county oregon dp 2 profile of selected social characteristics NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling…

Lane County, OR Economic Statistics

Lane county oregon dp 3 profile of selected economic characteristics NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling…

Lane County, OR Housing Statistics

Lane county oregon dp 4 profile of selected housing characteristics NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling…

Brewer's: Cock Lane Ghost

A tale of terror without truth; an imaginary tale of horrors. In Cock Lane, Stockwell (1762), certain knockings were heard, which Mr. Parsons, the owner, declared proceeded from the ghost…

Brewer's: Duck's-foot Lane

[City.] A corruption of Duke's Foot Lane; so called from the Dukes of Suffolk, whose manor-house was there. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Ducks and…

Franklin, William

(Encyclopedia) Franklin, William, c.1730–1813, last royal governor of New Jersey; illegitimate son of Benjamin Franklin. He grew up in Philadelphia, served in King George's War, and was (1754–56)…

Clive, Kitty

(Encyclopedia) Clive, Kitty (Catherine Raftor), 1711–85, English singer and actress. She made her debut (c.1728) at Drury Lane under the management of Colley Cibber and worked for many years with…

Fee, John Gregg

(Encyclopedia) Fee, John Gregg, 1816–1901, American abolitionist clergyman, b. Bracken co., Ky. After two years (1842–44) at Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati, he devoted himself to the…

Brown, Jacob Jennings

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Jacob Jennings, 1775–1828, American general, b. Bucks co., Pa. In the War of 1812 he defeated (May, 1813) a British attempt to take Sackets Harbor, N.Y., and the next year…