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Brewer's: Ladies' Smocks

Garden cress, botanically called Cardamine, a diminutive of the Greek kardamon, called in Latin nasturtium, sometimes called Nose-smart (Kara-damon, head-afflicting); so nasturtium is…

Brewer's: Lady Bountiful

The benevolent lady of a village. The character of Lady Bountiful is from the Beaux' Stratagem, by Farquhar. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Lady…

Brewer's: Lady of the Broom

(The). A housemaid. Highly disgusted at a farthing candle, Left by the Lady of the Broom, Named Susan ... PeterPindar: The Diamond Pin Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Lady Chapel

The small chapel east of the altar, or behind the screen of the high altar; dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Lady DayLady…

Brewer's: Lady Day

The 25th of March, to commemorate the Annunciation of Our Lady, the Virgin Mary There is a tradition that Adam was created on this day. Of course, this rests on Jesus being “the Second…

Brewer's: Lady of England

Maud, daughter of Henry I. The title of “Domina Anglorum” was conferred upon her by the Council of Winchester, held April 7th, 1141. (Rymer: Fædera, i.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Lady of the Haystack

made her appearance in 1776 at Bourton, near Bristol. She was young and beautiful, graceful, and evidently accustomed to good society. She lived for four years in a haystack; but was…

Brewer's: Lady Isabella

the beloved daughter of a noble lord, accompanied her father and mother on a chase one day, when her step-mother requested her to return and tell the master-cook to prepare “the milk-white…

Brewer's: Lady of the Lake

Vivien, mistress of Merlin, the enchanter, who lived in the midst of an imaginary lake, surrounded by knights and damsels. Tennyson, in the Idylls of the King, tells the story of Vivien…

Brewer's: Lady Magistrate

Lady Berkley was made by Queen Mary a justice of the peace for Gloucestershire and appointed to the quorum of Suffolk. Lady Berkley sat on the bench at assizes and sessions, girt with a…